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Volunteer Info

Fill out an online volunteer application and become a P.U.G.S. volunteer.

Contact us for information on volunteer opportunities, such as:

fostering pugs
administrative help: i.e. checking references, data entry, story writing
        graphics design

fund-raising ideas

pug transportation

K-9 behaviorist(s)

All positions within our rescue are unpaid volunteer positions where volunteers provide as little or as much time, energy, and support as they are able.  Tell us what you want to and are capable of doing and we will work with you to make it happen.

Email: volunteer[aT]pugsugottasave[dot]org

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For every coupon used to save you money (10%) on, our rescue will receive support from BarkBox. If asked, be sure to use our special promo code: PUGSBBX1
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For every coupon used to save you money (10%) on, our rescue will receive support from BarkBox. If asked, be sure to use our special promo code: PUGSBBX1
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Specials  [more]

2017 Pugapalooza T-shirt
2017 Pugapalooza T-shirt
$15.00  $12.50
Save: 17% off
2015 Pugapalooza T-shirt
2015 Pugapalooza T-shirt
$15.00  $11.00
Save: 27% off

  • Donated to rescue by a PUGS volunteer.