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Pugapalooza 2015: Pugs Around the World

May 2 2015, Pugapalooza, 12pm - 4pm

@ Ballentine Bark Park
2717 Tait Terrace
Norfolk, VA 23509


The date has been chosen and the theme picked, so get ready for the 7th annual Pugapalooza event in May of 2015 with the theme of Pugs Around the World .

Stay tuned to our website as we update it with details of the events, including items that will be available for raffle, vendors that have offered to be there, and more. 

Thankfully this year we again received the help of a generous artist in the design of our logo.  We want to thank Joni Solis of (Yes she draws more than just horses.) Last year, she provided the drawing of the hero and villain pugs that were printed on t-shirts.  This year's and previous year's T-shirts are available at  Pre-order your's today!  (We have Lady's T-shirts as well).  The shirts are of a color logo on grey fabric.

We will have a raffle with many items available.  Stay tuned, as we will update the website with the "packages".  Basically the raffle works like this:  purchase tickets from one of our ticket selling volunteers.  Place some contact information on the ticket.  Find the items you would like to win, and place your tickets in the ticket containers of your choice.  While we hope that you will stay the entire day, your presence is not required to win. 

We would hope to receive items for use in our raffle.  In previous years Max & Erma's at Pembroke provided a generous donation of a gift card. Please consider stopping in.

The Ballentine Civic league has added water to the park and as always, we ask that owners responsibly care for their pets and give them a break, water, and some shade. 

We expanded the area for the event because we have grown so much over the years. Hopefully we can advertise on tv, on the radio, and in the newspapers of the area.  If you know someone in the media, please let us know at

We will again reach out to a local vendor to see if we may coordinate an after festivity dining experience that will provide the rescue an opportunity to raise more funds. 

VENDORS!!!! Would you like to sell something at Pugapalooza? Our application is available in downloadable paper form as well as from our sales site.  Vendor attendance is free; however, we ask for a small refundable deposit.  If the vendor does not attend nor cancel by the deadline, then the deposit will help get a pug microchipped.

This product was added to our catalog on Saturday 25 April, 2015.

For every coupon used to save you money (10%) on, our rescue will receive support from BarkBox. If asked, be sure to use our special promo code: PUGSBBX1
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For every coupon used to save you money (10%) on, our rescue will receive support from BarkBox. If asked, be sure to use our special promo code: PUGSBBX1
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  • Donated to rescue by a PUGS volunteer.