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Somewhat surprisingly, a dog that is lost and is not microchipped has an approximate 4% chance of being returned to the owner.  A microchip is a small readable device that is inserted under the skin of a dog.  When the pet is taken to the vet, the vet can use a scanner to read the code associated with the chip.  With the chip registered to a microchip company, the code is used to identify and locate the owner of the pet.  These few things make the difference of losing a pet for good and being reunited if the pet is stolen or escapes from the owner.  If the information is not updated nor registered, the microchip is of no value.

Every dog that adopted from P.U.G.S. is microchipped.  Please help us continue to offer this level of care and assurance to the owners to be. Banner New Customer $20


For every coupon used to save you money (10%) on, our rescue will receive support from BarkBox. If asked, be sure to use our special promo code: PUGSBBX1
What is BarkBox? New Member $20

  • Donated to rescue by a PUGS volunteer.