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Unfortunately, Pebbles has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. She made that trip with support. We ask that you now offer your support for her and those that will follow. Please donate in whatever amount you feel able.

Pebbles Story:

The day(August 5, 2011) a lady called to ask if I could take a female pug puppy was just the beginning of our adventure. Pebbles had been purchased as a bargain pug with no papers by a couple for the wife. They could not afford to pay the price asked normally. The day after purchase the wife had a heart attack and died with Pebbles on her lap. Soon after the husband was in a terrible car wreck and could not keep Pebbles. I picked her up and he cried and was happy that she would be cared for. Only one day with me and I had three people want her. I chose a friend's mom who was widowed and just lost her dog. She was so excited about having her but I required that she take her to the vet the next day to update her shots and check a little rash she has on her head. And so she did and called me crying that she could not keep her because she had been diagnosed with generalized demodectic mange and she could not afford the cost for treatment. Back home to me with tears for her and my joy to see her cute face again. Now still others wanted but I thought it wise to have her be a part of my new volunteer group PUGS, knowing the best home for her would be found. So off to the vet to begin treatment for this which did not seem too bad and would just need some baths and medication and should resolve. So now a foster pet I know I have to give her up but to the best home they choose. Few days later a potential parent but it did not work due to family problems. Wow, I am happy to have her a little longer. She has been gaining a pound a week and now from 6 to 10 lb. We She had a nice visit with a local PUGS family while we had the hurricane. Run and play with other pugs. She did not know a stranger and loved to run and be a puppy. My pug Stella came alive and they would have tug of war for hours at a time. Lots of new toys here now. She had spreading of her rash and was much worse but did not seem to bother her. Back to vet and increase medications. Getting some hair loss and looking much worse but this supposedly can be a part of the process. Off to the beach with Stella, and boy what a day, run and play and get in the water and chase all the dogs that came and folks just love her. Now another potential couple that are aware about her skin but will take care of this with no issue. Our leader wants to get her a little better before adoption. I love having her and now think all these possible folks not happening may mean she is to be my "foster failure". Still not getting better and looks terrible so vet will try Promeris, a medication which may cause her to be lethargic but is hopeful to resolve the problem. I hope so because she is not feeling too good, not eating very well. So spot it on Sat. and she does not want to play and sleeps and not eating. Charlene, our leader says take her to my usual vet for a second opinion. I guess I think that my vet is a shining star because of all her time and effort to help one little puppy. Poor Pebbles by the time she gets there is diagnosed with a heart murmur, critical glucose drop and anemic. Dr. Hauser got her in to see the Dermatology doctor the same day. He thinks this is a staff infection with mites and gets her to eat some special food so thinks she can go home with the special food and we will see what happens. Somehow, it didn't seem like she was well enough but I have hope and will watch her as she sleeps on her bed next to me. Now she has moved from the crate to my bedside. So in the night I watch her drink water and go out to wee. So weak but still wants to be next to me and only puts her tail up to curl when she sees me. Stella (my pug) is respectful and letting me give her all this attention. When I wake she does not pop her head up so I pick her up. A limp rag barely breathing, dear Lord let her live. In my pj's wrapped in a towel we rush to Dr.H. They take her back immediately and all the techs and Dr are helping her. Cannot get IV in at first but called in someone to get that going. Critically low glucose. After hours or waiting she perks up and head up but weak. She must eat on her own or we are in trouble, and so she finally does. We are hopeful that with overnight fluids she will make it. Now we find she has whipworms and that may be the cause of the anemia. More problems for little Pebbles. Dr. H wants her to have overnight care so off we go to the emergency care. She had some baby food on the way. Weak and still hanging in there. Now possible pneumonia found and suddenly there is no hope. Charlene (PUGS) says what I knew earlier. Thankfully she tells me to go back and get her and go to my vet and make the difficult decision to not let her suffer anymore. Mange, heart issue, worms, systemic infections and now pneumonia have taken this precious baby to puppy heaven. Dr. H and I cry together as she wanted Pebbles to make it. All the helpers came to love on her too. Tears keep flowing for the loss of this blessing that had been with me from August 5 until September 15. Pebbles brought so much joy to so many, my grandson cried for hours over the loss of his puppy friend, a friend that wanted her came to see her and play with her and went to the vet, the rescue members that loved her. So many in so little time. My daughter in Fla. got daily updates and local daughter wanted me to keep her. Well, I did provide for her and give her love, fun with Stella, and many exciting experiences. She came from a bad situation and I know I was chosen to help her to have life in the little time she had left. I value this time and know we did all we could do.

I miss her trying to climb on my end tables to explore, watching her try to chew everything, running until she just flopped, begging for me to pick her up to put her head under my neck to sleep and watching her learn all her commands to be a polite puppy, chasing an ice cube until it melted and wagging her entire body before anyone would give her a pet. Yes, she was our first foster and has brought our group close and shown me what a special roll that helping unfortunate pets plays in our crazy world.

Today the cute pink pj"s I ordered came in the mail, ouch, and I keep finding all the bones and treats she has hid all over the house. I picked up the puppy pads, washed her bowl, set aside her designer halter and gathered up all the medicine that tried to save her life. This is so hard. I miss you little Pebbles but find peace that you do not have to shiver or cry from discomfort anymore. Thanks for all you gave in such a short life.

You represent what it means to rescue a pug. As I morn the loss of this joyful puppy there is only one final comment. This mange comes from the mother of the dog. The worms come from the environment of the dog. I wish that breeders that know there are issues with their dogs, and diseases, and create situations like this just to give a good deal would be able to be stopped. The Pugs group gave Pebbles a chance to fight but she only left many sad dog lovers and I hope anyone reading will donate to some origination that supports animals.

Thanks PUGS for allowing me to be a part of Pebbles life adventure and my entry to your origination. I respect that so much funding and care was put into saving one special puppy.

Foster Parent

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  • Donated to rescue by a PUGS volunteer.