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In memory of Bob and Cecil

Bob and Cecil were two Pugs U Gotta Save pugs that found a wonderful home many years ago. Unfortunately, they have recently passed, but shall never be forgotten. Their discovery and placement to their furever  home was such a blessing and that has been recognized by friends and family alike. 

Duey and Freddie, we are so very sorry for your loss. May this gift from Patty's F. forever bring you joy and a smile. 

Thank you for tending to their every need and rescuing Bubbie and Teddy Bear for all of their life. 

This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 24 August, 2022. Banner New Customer $20


For every coupon used to save you money (10%) on, our rescue will receive support from BarkBox. If asked, be sure to use our special promo code: PUGSBBX1
What is BarkBox? New Member $20

  • Donated to rescue by a PUGS volunteer.