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Fawn Female


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Whelped: Apr 24, 2010 and is 14 Years 8 Months Old. This is an estimated date and age.
Brought into the rescue: Mar 21, 2015 and was fostered for ~6 Weeks
Successfully Adopted: May 2015
Rescue cared for in: Richmond, VA

About Ruby:

Yeah! I'm adopted!!! I'm so glad to have had an opportunity to get to know my foster family. But, now I'm off to a brand new start. Please consider helping my former fellow foster friends through Donation

For every coupon used to save you money (10%) on, our rescue will receive support from BarkBox. If asked, be sure to use our special promo code: PUGSBBX1
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For every coupon used to save you money (10%) on, our rescue will receive support from BarkBox. If asked, be sure to use our special promo code: PUGSBBX1
What is BarkBox? New Member $20

  • Donated to rescue by a PUGS volunteer.